Track your order

Thank you for choosing to shop at Magvike! We take your order very seriously and want to provide you with the best shopping experience. To make it easier for you to check the status of your order and track your package, please follow these steps:

Find the order: Find the order you want to track on your account homepage or order history page. Click on the order number or related link to open the order details page.

View order status: On the order details page, you will see detailed information about your order, including the order status. Order status may include the following common situations:

  • Pending: Your order has been received but has not been processed yet.
    Processing: Your order is being prepared and processed.
    Shipped: Your order has shipped and left the warehouse.
    In transit: Your package is in transit.
    Delivered: Your package has been successfully delivered to its destination.
    Cancellation or Refund: The order has been canceled or a refund is being processed.
    Track your package: If your order has been shipped, you can check your order by visiting

Contact Customer Service: If you have any questions about the status of your order or encounter an issue, please feel free to contact our customer service team. You can find our contact information on the contact page of the online store. We will be happy to assist you and answer your questions.

Please note that shipping information may take some time to update, especially in the first few days after the package leaves the warehouse. If you notice a delay in tracking information, please wait patiently for a while, or you can contact our customer service team for more details.

Thank you again for your support of our online store! We will do our best to deliver your order smoothly and provide the best shopping experience.

Happy shopping!